Your board rolling a little slow, sort of like it lost its MOJO. A great inexpensive way to fix the sluggish board is a new set of bearings. Nothing fancy, just $10 bucks and you'll be riding smooth again. The bearings on your set up need to be dirt and dent free. & nbsp;No dust, grime or rust. Sure you can clean them or for about the cost $10 you can replace the old bearing, there is 8 of those mystery circles, 2 in each wheel, that allow your board to roll. Over here at the shop we have some Blue Monkey Bearings, only $10, that will get you back in business. This will also include: Lubing your axel, your new bearings a quick clean of the axel, to remove any rust or grim. And the removal of your wheels, removing of the 8 old bearings and the re installation of your new blue bearings. Ready to go,
OUT THE DOOR ONLY AT MOJO! located at 729 west walnut st, Johnson City, TN 37604